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Over 250,500 BodyBuilding pictures! Click the year to see them!     Beach Volleyball, Tennis, Track and Field...    Sports Photography...    Videography...    Web Site Development...    All pictures on this site are for SALE!!
Victoria Frank - October 30, 2010Victoria Frank - October 30, 2010Victoria Frank - October 30, 2010
"After competiting in the Golds Classic, I was honored to take part in a photoshoot with MyContestPix. Spencer's professionalism made this experience very fun! Although we had never met before, his friendly demeanor made it a comfortable atmosphere and his direction led to some beautiful shots!

With just a short period of time, I consider Spencer a great friend. I look forward to working with him in the future as I expand my fitness career."

Quick Info

  • Hometown -  Brick, New Jersey
  • Occupation: Nursing Student
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 5'2"
  • Weight (offseason / contest): 115 lbs/107 lbs
  • Years Bodybuilding: 2 year
  • Gym you train at: Retro Fitness, Brick, NJ

Contest History

  • 2010 NPC Metropolitan: Bikini
  • 2010 NPC Suburban: Bikini - 1st place Class A & Overall
  • 2010 NPC Nationals: Bikini
  • 2010 NPC Golds Classic: Bikini - 2nd place Class A

Planned local Shows

I have not made any definite decisions about the 2011 National Shows I will be competiting in, but I have already started my off-season training to improve my physique and I look forward to getting back on stage in the Spring.

Goals in 2010 and beyond

Working hard to get that Pro Card!

Anybody special you’d like to thank?

I would like to thank my parents who are my BIGGEST fans! They have been such a huge help to me and have done anything and everything to keep me on track!

Thank you both for supporting me every step of the way. I'd also like to send a special thank you to my Coach Glenn Nowland at G-FORCE who has helped me since the start of my training with my diet and contest prep.

How did you get started in Bodybuilding?

I basically grew up in a gym - my parents were always interested in weight training and staying fit. When I was old enough to start working- I got a job as a "shake girl" in a gym making protein shakes for the clients. I watched everyone achieve their goals while I worked behind the counter. I knew I had to make time for myself to achieve some of those same goals, so I began making a precise window of time for me to go to the gym.

After just a few months of training, I began to like the results I saw. I became hooked! I was approached by an old friend, Glenn Nowland of GFORCE, who noticed my dedication to training and asked if I would be interested in competiting. Without a second thought, I began my dieting/training process for my first NPC competition.

What has been your most memorable experience to date competing in the NPC?

My most memorable experience would be winning my first place trophy and then winning the Overall at the Suburban in Patterson, NJ., only my second show!

What are some of the attributes that make you successful

I would have to say my drive and dedication to not only the gym and training but to everything else in my life. I have an extremely busy schedule which has taught me how important time-management is.

What type of training approach do you utilize?

I do a lot of "push/pull" training and incorporate 2 body parts per session. Cardio varies within weeks of prepping for a competition.

What type of dieting approach do you utilize?

High protein, low carb, lots of greens!

What supplements are essential to your training?

Daily multi-vitamins and fish oil to keep my body in balance, branch chain amino acids for muscle growth, & 100% whey protein.