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Wendy Govoni- October 30, 2010 Wendy Govoni- October 30, 2010 Wendy Govoni- October 30, 2010
"I had a great time at the photoshoot!! Spence is a great photographer who made me feel very comfortable (minus the freezing cold.. hahaha). I would love to shoot again when the weather is nicer. I look forward to more great shots with him! I had a blast!!"

Quick Info

  • Hometown -  West Suffield , CT
  • Occupation: Medical Device Sales Representative
  • Age: 29
  • Height: 5'7"
  • Weight (offseason / contest): 140 lbs/134 lbs
  • Years Bodybuilding: 2 year
  • Gym you train at: Complete Body Gym

Contest History

  • 2009 NPC Empire States: Bikini - 3rd Place
  • 2010 NPC Team Universe: Bikini - 6th Place
  • 2010 NPC Eastern USA's : Bikini - 3rd Place
  • 2009 NPC New Jersey State: Bikini - 4th Place
  • 2010 NPC Eastern USA's: Bikini - 3rd Place
  • 2010 NPC Nationals: Bikini - 8th Place

Planned local Shows

Junior Nationals, Team Universe, and possibly Nationals

Goals in 2010 and beyond

I want to turn Pro in the bikini division and compete in the Olympia.

Anybody special you’d like to thank?

My Trainer Victor Munoz and Monica Eiler, Craig Capurso, Dana Rasamny, Margot Bee, Dwight DiMartino, Marco Rivera, Alberto Rubinaccio, Yeshaira Robles, Frank Sancillio, My Parents and Brother Ian and my Family and Friends who have supported me from the begining.
Without these people I wouldnt be where I am. And to Complete Body Gym (John and Hugo) who have been some of my biggest supporters and everyone at Madison Skin and Laser Center.

I can't express the appreciation I have for them and the help they have given me in supporting my goal in NPC. You cannot meet a nicer group of people who truly care!! Thank you Stacey, Anita, Jeanne, Christine, Jose, and the rest of the staff!! I really don't know what I would do without any of these people!!!! And to everyone at NPC who I have met working the shows and giving guidance it wouldnt be possible without you. THANK YOU!!!! XOXOXO

How did you get started in Bodybuilding?

I met a competitor my freshman year of college and knew I wanted to do that. I had some set backs with my thyroid but have fought through that and am going to show that if you want something bad enough you can get it.

What has been your most memorable experience to date competing in the NPC?

Definitely Nationals! That whole weekend was a blast!

What are some of the attributes that make you successful

I am a determined person and when I want something I will work hard and do what I have to to obtain it.

What type of training approach do you utilize?

I am fortunate to have a great trainer and training partner. Victor Munoz and Monica Eiler. Monica has been training me and training with me for the last several months and we both started working with Vic a few months ago. We will be training with him this off season and getting ready for next year. He is amazing!!

What type of dieting approach do you utilize?

Pretty much what Vic says goes. Diet is the biggest battle for me because I have an under-active thyroid so I have to be extremely careful. The saying is the cleaner you eat the better your body functions.

What supplements are essential to your training?

The most important thing I need in the morning is my coffee!!! I also cannot be without my bcaa's and my multivitamins.