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Files Marketing Inc DE-NJ-PA-OH

MyContestPix.com Pictures

Over 250,500 BodyBuilding pictures! Click the year to see them!     Beach Volleyball, Tennis, Track and Field...    Sports Photography...    Videography...    Web Site Development...    All pictures on this site are for SALE!!

These are actual sample files (>1 meg!!!!) for Self Printing - See Option below:

Click to view Self Printing Digital Samples


Digital Store

Go to Print Store

Prints, Digital Pictures, Collages, DVDs

Self Printing - Download Digital Pictures for 4x6 Prints
  • High Resolution digital pictures enhanced in Photoshop from the show. These pics are only good for 4x6 prints.
  • Any shots from Prejudging and Finals
  • Pictures have a WaterMark.
  • We don't just take the pictures and give them to you to fix up.
  • Go to Duck Sample!!

  • Instructions:
    1. List your name, show name and competition/tag number in the boxes below.
    2. List all the file/pictures names or the last few digits of the filename. File names are listed below the picture.
    3. Click the Add to Cart button.
      You can remove items after you click the Add to Cart button or View Cart.
    4. Enter the quantity for each picture you listed in that size.
    5. If you have any questions, please click Contact Us or email us!

  • 4x6: High Res Digital Pictures
    Show Name+Tag No.+ File Names
    File Names
Self Printing - Download Digital Pictures for 8x10 Prints
This option allows you to make unlimited Print Quality copies up to 8"x10". Click the samples in the left column!

We'll email you the high quality digital files so you can make professional looking prints!

These files are for personal use only.

We don't just take the pictures and then give them to you to fix up.

All pictures are enhanced in Photoshop including:
  • White balanced
  • Brightness and contrast adjusted
  • Sharpened
  • May be cropped
  • No Watermark so you can make copies anywhere
  • Instructions:
    1. List your name, show name and competition/tag number in the boxes below.
    2. List all the file/pictures names or the last few digits of the filename. File names are listed below the picture.
    3. Click the Add to Cart button.
      You can remove items after you click the Add to Cart button or View Cart.
    4. Enter the quantity for each picture you listed in that size.
    5. If you have any questions, please click Contact Us or email us!
  • Digital Pictures - 300 DPI
    Show Name+Tag No+File Names
    File Names w/o jpg ext
Print Sizes (4x6 up to 20x30)
Noise reduction - Go to Duck Sample, refined and enhanced in Photoshop CS)

  • Please specify the quantity and specific pictures before you confirm the order. List all the file names and sizes.

  • Click the link below to send us the information.

  • 1st class shipping - $3.80 per order.

8x10 Print Collages
  • Select from 3 to 5 pics. From these pics, we will make a 8"x10" collage.

  • Depending on the orientation of the original pics, the collage will be horizonatal or vertical.

  • We recommend between 3 to 5 pics. Any more and the pictures will be too small. See what 6 to 7 pics look like.

  • Glossy Finish

  • $25 each - 8"x10"

  • 1st class shipping - $3.80 per order.

  • Sample 1

Please enter the Show name followed by the full name for the 1st picture file - up to 64 characters. For additional pictures, just list the numbers only.

Show Name and Tag number
Additional Space
Digital (Web Quality) Pictures on CD
  • Low Resolution (40-100k), untouched digital pictures on CD from the show.
  • Includes all individual shots from Pre and Finals
  • $25 each - Includes shipping
Show Name and Tag number
Contact Us
Email Us with an questions or if you need more room to list your picture names.

Local BodyBuilding Shows on DVD